FACT CHECK: Erin O’Toole hiding his real cuts plan from Canadians
August 31, 2021
Today, Erin O’Toole said the Conservatives would get the budget back to balance “without cuts” (source).
In Erin O’Toole’s 2020 leadership platform, released during the COVID-19 pandemic, he commits to enshrining in law that for each dollar in new spending, the government needs to find a dollar in savings (source, p.16).
At a time when Canadians need help to recover, Erin O’Toole has promised more cuts.
He’s already followed through on his commitment to cuts. Erin O’Toole has promised to cut the $30 billion investment we’re making to deliver $10 a day child care, and the additional child care spots in Quebec – ripping up the eight agreements we already have in place.
In doing so, O’Toole will make it harder for women to get back into the workforce and a new independent study shows most families will be worse off under the Conservative plan. He won’t create a single new child care space and he won’t hire a single new early childhood educator.
Erin O’Toole hasn’t told Canadians how much his promises cost and everything he will cut. Conservatives will cut taxes for the wealthiest and cut services for everyone else.
As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians deserve better than Conservative cuts.
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