FACT CHECK: Scheer won’t stand up to big oil
October 10, 2019
Andrew Scheer plans to gut environmental protections to benefit his big business friends. It’s not the first time Canadians were put at risk by weaker environmental protections by a Conservative government. Here’s what happened:
In 2012, Stephen Harper introduced Bill C-38. It chopped Canada’s environmental laws to pieces. It pulled Canada out of the Kyoto Protocol. C-38 repealed the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, making it harder to protect animals, land and water from pollution, and making it easier for companies to damage the natural world. It gave Conservative Party politicians the ability to overrule scientists or the National Energy Board, to force bad projects on people for partisan political reasons. Stephen Harper shut down debate and rammed the law through.
Stephen Harper thought environmental laws were a nuisance, and he brushed them aside to help wealthy companies get richer. Andrew Scheer is just like Stephen Harper, and he’ll do just as much environmental damage if he gets the chance.