Liberals will support Toronto’s public transit priorities
October 16, 2019
Conservatives cannot fund City of Toronto’s transit priorities with their $18 billion infrastructure cuts
TORONTO, ON – As part of our commitment to public transit, a re-elected Liberal government is announcing it will support Toronto’s public transit priorities.
“Liberals support local decision making and will always work with local government. Today’s city staff report is a necessary step in the local decision-making process. Now that Toronto has been given back control to set its transit priorities, Liberals will be there as a partner,” said Liberal candidate for Eglinton—Lawrence, Marco Mendicino. “Only Liberals will fund Toronto transit because Andrew Scheer has promised to cut billions in infrastructure funding; it’s right there on page 94 of the Conservative platform.”
Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives won’t fund Toronto transit after promising $18 billion in infrastructure cuts:
(source: Conservative platform, page 94)
“Doug Ford’s ‘magic marker on a map’ approach to transit planning is wrong. We trust the City of Toronto to do its work. It’s council’s job to explore the business case and make transit work for commuters and communities. Our job is to be a funding partner,” said Liberal candidate for Spadina—Fort York, Adam Vaughan. “Doug Ford and Andrew Scheer don’t understand or support Toronto’s perspective on public transit or affordable housing. We have been there for Torontonians and a re-elected Liberal government will continue to support good planning and good public transit.”
“We will continue to ensure that local voices are heard and respected and we will never stop working hard to deliver better public transit for our city,” said Liberal candidate for Toronto—Danforth, Julie Dabrusin. “I have heard from my community about the need for transit congestion relief. They have concerns and questions about Doug Ford’s transit plan. There is more work to do before these projects can move forward, and we will be watching the discussions at City council closely.”
Mayor Tory commented this morning regarding remaining work to be done to ensure the Ontario Line best serves Torontonians:
“I have acknowledged myself in my own statement there are still questions remaining with respect to the Ontario Line… I’ve acknowledged that, and we’re going to proceed forward to get those answers and, most importantly, to get the transit built.”
(John Tory, Press Conference, October 16, 2019)
Since 2015, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has worked in partnership with municipalities and provinces across the country to advance priority infrastructure projects. They need predictable federal funding and that is what we have delivered with more than 4,800 projects approved over the past four years – four times the number of projects funded during the last four years of Stephen Harper’s government.
“The GTA needs investment in public transit as our communities grow – not cuts, delays, and underinvestment, all borrowed from Stephen Harper’s playbook. But the Conservatives will slash $18 billion in infrastructure funding and Doug Ford has failed to step up and commit to these important transit projects,” said Liberal candidate for Toronto Centre, Bill Morneau. “While Andrew Scheer prioritizes tax cuts for millionaires and deep cuts for everyone else, Justin Trudeau has a plan to invest in people and move Canada forward – for everyone.”