Justin Trudeau to join supporters for virtual Holiday event
December 14, 2021
Ottawa, ON — Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, will join supporters virtually at the annual Laurier Club Holiday appreciation event, on December 15, 2021.
This online event will be an opportunity to connect with supporters about the Liberal Party’s strong plan to build a better and fairer future for Canadians, and the important work ahead to keep Canada moving forward.
The Liberal Party of Canada has committed to the strongest standards in federal politics for openness and transparency with political fundraising events, and continues to challenge other parties to do the same. More details on this commitment are available at https://www.liberal.ca/openfundraising/
To facilitate media coverage, members of the press are invited to cover remarks by Mr. Trudeau online:
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Virtual Laurier Club Holiday Event with Justin Trudeau
Event begins online at 7:00 PM EST
Remarks by Justin Trudeau at 7:40 PM EST
Notes for Media:
Open coverage for remarks
Accredited media interested in covering the event should contact media@liberal.ca.