FACT CHECK: Erin O’Toole and the Conservatives would leave gig workers behind
August 26, 2021
Today, Erin O’Toole made an announcement about support for gig workers.
The reality is the Conservatives’ plan would push gig workers further away from protections afforded to other workers. In fact, the President of the Canadian Labour Congress said their plan would “permanently relegate gig workers to second-class status in Canada’s workforce” (Canadian Labour Congress press release, August 19, 2021).
Workers in the gig economy have been a lifeline for Canadians and our economy during this pandemic – getting health care workers to hospitals and delivering food when Canadians were asked to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19.
During the pandemic, Erin O’Toole said we got the CERB “entirely wrong.” But the CERB and the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) that followed kept millions of Canadians safe, healthy, and supported and ensured gig workers didn’t fall through the cracks.
And when they voted against the budget bill, the Conservative Party also voted against extending the CRB, which continues to be a lifeline for workers in hard-hit sectors, including workers in the gig economy.
Canadian workers – and Canadian workers in our gig economy – deserve better than what Erin O’Toole is offering.
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